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Main articles: 2009 flu pandemic and 2009 flu pandemic by country 2009 flu pandemic in Argentina Confirmed cases Deaths confirmed +1 cases +50 cases +10 cases +100 cases 1+ death 50+ deaths 10+ deaths 100+ deathsDiseaseSwine influenzaVirus strainH1N1First outbreakfrom Mexico DFArrival date29 June 2009Confirmed cases12,010[1]Deaths626[1]Total ILI cases1,479,988...

Cet article est une ébauche concernant une gare et la Hongrie. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. Istvántelek Voies, quai central et abri. Localisation Pays Hongrie Commune Budapest Quartier Istvántelek (4e) Coordonnées géographiques 47° 33′ 01″ nord, 19° 06′ 23″ est Gestion et exploitation Exploitant Magyar Államvasutak (MÁV) Code UIC 55101329 Caractér...

Piechowice Localidad y municipio BanderaEscudo PiechowiceLocalización de Piechowice en PoloniaCoordenadas 50°50′59″N 15°35′56″E / 50.84963, 15.59887Entidad Localidad y municipio • País Polonia • Voivodato Baja Silesia • Distrito Jelenia GóraSuperficie Puesto 2067.º • Total 43.22 km²Altitud • Media 360 m s. n. m.Población (2011) Puesto 1378.º • Total 6489 hab. • Densidad 150 hab/km²Huso ho...

Pour la commune déléguée, voir Les Sables-d'Olonne (ancienne commune). Les Sables-d'Olonne Vue aérienne des Sables-d'Olonne. Blason Administration Pays France Région Pays de la Loire Département Vendée (sous-préfecture) Arrondissement Les Sables-d'Olonne(chef-lieu) Intercommunalité Les Sables-d'Olonne-Agglomération(siège) Maire Mandat Yannick Moreau 2020-2026 Code postal 851008518085340 Code commune 85194 Démographie Gentilé Sablais, Sablaises Populationmunicipale 46 941...

This article does not cite any sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Inflatable costume – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (November 2009) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Part of a series onCostume Background History Industry Costume coordination Use of costume in Athenian tragedy Wardrobe supervisor Society and cu...

تحوي هذه المقالة أو هذا القسم ترجمة آلية. فضلًا، ساهم في تدقيقها وتحسينها أو إزالتها لأنها تخالف سياسات ويكيبيديا. (نقاش) (يوليو 2022) هوك آي مبني على مارفل كومكس بطولة جيرمي رينر[1]، وهيلي ستاينفيلد[1]، وفيرا فارميغا[1]، وفرا في[1]، وتوني دالتون ...

Latin KingsGrafitti King Master Latin Kings beserta singkatan L dan K di sampingnya.Lokasi ditemukanChicago, IllinoisTahun aktif1940-an — sekarangTeritoriSeluruh Amerika Serikat, terutama di permukiman Hispanik di Chicago, New York City[1] dan kota-kota lain di ASEtnisHispanik / didominasi Puerto Riko dan MeksikoKeanggotaanFaksi King Motherland Chicago - 20.000 hingga 35.000 Faksi Bloodline - 2.200 hingga 7.500Aktivitas kriminalPemerasan, baterai, penyelundupan senjata api, penyelun...

1 — наконечник, 2 — прикус, 3 — загубник Курительный мундштук — приспособление в виде трубки, с помощью которого курят сигареты, папиросы или самокрутки. Использование мундштука защищает пальцы курильщика от пропитывания табачными смолами, придающими им спец...

Provide various degrees of legal protection against discrimination States whose constitutions contain equal rights provisions (blue). In three states (yellow), such an amendment has passed one of two houses of the legislature. In one state (green), such an amendment has been sent by the legislature to an upcoming referendum. States have passed state equal rights amendments (ERAs) to their constitutions that provide various degrees of legal protection against discrimination based on sex. With ...

2004 Hong Kong legislative election ← 2000 12 September 2004 2008 → ← outgoing membersmembers elected →All 60 seats to the Legislative Council31 seats needed for a majorityOpinion pollsRegistered3,207,227 (GC) 4.97%Turnout1,784,406 (55.64%) 12.07pp First party Second party Third party Leader Ma Lik James Tien Yeung Sum Party DAB Liberal Democratic Alliance Pro-Beijing Pro-Beijing Pro-democracy Leader's seat Hong Kong Island N...

A basketry class at the Peabody Academy, c. 1910 Peabody Academy was established in 1880 in Troy, North Carolina, by the American Missionary Association (AMA) for the sole purpose of educating African Americans of Montgomery County, North Carolina. The Negro boarding school attracted students from all of the surrounding rural areas including towns now known as Biscoe, Mount Gilead, Candor, Pekin, Star, in addition to Troy, North Carolina. Peabody Academy was the only institution, at the time,...

Cet article est une ébauche concernant un footballeur algérien et un footballeur français. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. Salah Bakour Biographie Nationalité Français et algérien Naissance 15 avril 1982 (41 ans) Rouen Taille 1,74 m (5′ 9″) Poste Milieu de terrain Parcours senior1 SaisonsClubsM (B.)2000-2005 Stade Malherbe Caen111 (1)2005-2007 Istres FC43 (0...

الحظ السعيدمعلومات عامةالصنف الفني فيلم كوميدي تاريخ الصدور 14 أكتوبر 1945مدة العرض 100 دقيقةاللغة الأصلية العربيةالعرض أبيض وأسود البلد المملكة المصريةالطاقمالمخرج فؤاد الجزايرليالكاتب أبو السعود الإبياريالبطولة حسين صدقينجاة عليالتصوير شارفينرجالتركيب جلال مصطفىص...

American newspaper Hattiesburg AmericanTypeThrice weekly newspaperFormatBroadsheetOwner(s)GannettFounded1897 as Hattiesburg ProgressHeadquarters403 Main St., Hattiesburg, MS 39401[1] Masthead in 2011 The Hattiesburg American is a U.S. newspaper based in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, that serves readers in Forrest, Lamar, and surrounding counties in south-central Mississippi. The newspaper is owned by Gannett. History The Hattiesburg American was founded in 18...

Normes techniques et marquage CE En droit suisse, les normes techniques (technische Normen), désignent les règles, les lignes directrices ou les caractéristiques sans force obligatoire établies par des organismes de normalisation (contrairement aux prescriptions techniques, fixées par l'État) et qui se rapportent notamment à la production, à la composition, aux caractéristiques, à l’emballage ou à l’étiquetage d’un produit, aux essais ou à l’évaluation de la conformité[...

A coin catalog (or coin catalogue) is a listing of coin types. Information may include pictures of the obverse and reverse (front and back), date and place of minting, distribution type, translation of inscriptions, description of images, theme, metal type, mintage, edge description, orientation of the coin, weight, diameter, thickness, design credentials, shape and prices for various grades. Defects may be described. The quality, detail and completeness of the information available about a p...

Aftermath of the Iranian RevolutionPart of the Cold WarDate11 February 1979 – December 1983[1]LocationIranResult Islamic Republican Party victory[1] Ruhollah Khomeini consolidates power Referendum and establishment of Islamic Republic of Iran Iran hostage crisis and resignation of the Provisional Revolutionary Government Rebellions in Kordestan, Khuzestan, Khorasan and Baluchistan suppressed NEQAB coup d'état failed Impeachment and exile of Abolhassan Banisadr Crackdown on ...

Бертарилат. Bertharius король лангобардов 661 — 662 Предшественник Ариперт I Преемник Гримоальд король лангобардов 671 — 688 Предшественник Гарибальд Преемник Куниперт Рождение 645 Смерть 688(0688)Павия, Миланское герцогство Место погребения Павия Род Баварская династия Отец...

Laguna di Bongor Bongor adalah kota terbesar ke-9 menurut jumlah penduduk (20.357 menurut sensus 1993). Merupakan ibu kota Region Mayo-Kebbi Est dan departemen Mayo-Boneye. Geografi Garis lintang: 10.280°N - Garis bujur: 15.370°E Kota ini terletak di bantaran Sungai Logone yang praktis berhadapan dengan kota Yagoua di Kamerun. Pendidikan Bongor memiliki sejumlah sekolah dasar, menengah, dan profesional. Sejak tahun 2003, sudah didirikan perguruan tinggi. SMU: SMU Jacques Moudeina (negeri) L...

Town in Victoria, AustraliaPorepunkahVictoriaPorepunkahPorepunkahCoordinates36°41′0″S 146°54′0″E / 36.68333°S 146.90000°E / -36.68333; 146.90000Population941 (2016 census)[1]Postcode(s)3740Elevation280 m (919 ft)[2]Location 320 km (199 mi) NE of Melbourne 134 km (83 mi) S of Wodonga 73 km (45 mi) SE of Wangaratta 8 km (5 mi) W of Bright LGA(s)Alpine ShireState electorate(s)Ovens ValleyFe...