Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia libri III) adalah sebuah kajian filsafat oluktis karya Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, yang diketahui sebagai kontribusi signifikan terhadap diskusi filsafat Renaisans terkait kekuatan-kekuatan magis ritual, dan hubungannya dengan agama. Buku pertama dicetak pada 1531 di Paris, Koln, dan Antwerp, sementara tiga volume penuh mula-mula muncul di Koln pada 1533.[1]
The Philosophy of Natural Magic, written by Henry Cornelius Agrippa, Translated by James Freake, Edited by Leslie Shepherd (1974). University Books. ((ISBN0-82160-218-7, Only book one; reprint of the Laurence edition)
Three Books of Occult Philosophy, written by Henry Cornelius Agrippa, Translated by James Freake, Annotated by Donald Tyson (2005). Llewelyn Worldwide. (ISBN0-87542-832-0)
Three Books of Occult Philosophy Book One: A Modern Translation, written by Henry Cornelius Agrippa, Translated by Eric Purdue (2012). Renaissance Astrology Press. (ISBN1-10589-879-2)
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