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Византийско-генуэзская война Дата 1348 — 1349 гг. Место Эгейское море, Босфор, Константинополь Итог Положение Генуи не изменилось Противники Византийская империя Генуэзская республика Командующие Иоанн VI Кантакузин неизвестно Византийско-генуэзская война — вооружённый ...

Port in Recife, Brazil Porto do Recife - Recife - Pernambuco - Brasil Recife Port is located in Recife Antigo in the city of Recife. This international port serves the RMR and has two main operational areas: cruises and cargo. It is located on the eastern island of Recife antigo on the banks of rivers Capibaribe and Beberibe. Differentiates itself from another ports located in the city center the fact that the port does not have any interferences with the center. Its administered by the Gover...

Страница старейшего печатного издания Хуан-ди нэй цзина (эпоха Цзинь, между 1115—1234 годами) Хуан-ди нэй цзин (кит. трад. 黃帝內經, упр. 黄帝内经, пиньинь Huángdì Nèijīng), или «Трактат Жёлтого императора о внутреннем», или «Эзотерическое писание Жёлтого императора», или «Внутренний...

The following is a timeline of the history of the city of Kingston, Jamaica. This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by adding missing items with reliable sources. Prior to 19th century 1692 – 7 June: The Jamaica earthquake destroys Port Royal due to heavy liquefaction and a tsunami; around 5,000 are killed there. Residents resettle nearby thus establishing Kingston.[1] 1690s – Parish Church built (approximate dat...

LareareaPulau LareareaLareareaTampilkan peta Sulawesi SelatanLareareaTampilkan peta SulawesiLareareaTampilkan peta IndonesiaLareareaTampilkan peta Asia TenggaraGeografiLokasiTeluk BoneAsia TenggaraSamudra HindiaKoordinat5°4′14.378″S 120°23′32.373″E / 5.07066056°S 120.39232583°E / -5.07066056; 120.39232583KepulauanKepulauan Sembilan, Kepulauan Sunda Besar (Pulau Sulawesi dan Pulau-pulau Kecil di Sekitarnya), Kepulauan IndonesiaDibatasi olehTeluk BonePemerint...

Cian O'Connor Загальна інформаціяНаціональність ірландецьГромадянство ІрландіяНародження 12 листопада 1979(1979-11-12) (44 роки)ДублінЗріст 176 смВага 74 кгAlma mater Belvedere CollegedВебсторінкаСпортКраїна ІрландіяВид спорту кінний спортДисципліна конкур Участь і здобутки ...

Dieser Artikel behandelt die Ziegenart; zum gleichnamigen Kunstwerk siehe Blauschaf (Kunstwerk). Blauschaf Blauschaf (Pseudois nayaur) Systematik ohne Rang: Stirnwaffenträger (Pecora) Familie: Hornträger (Bovidae) Unterfamilie: Antilopinae Tribus: Ziegenartige (Caprini) Gattung: Blauschafe (Pseudois) Art: Blauschaf Wissenschaftlicher Name Pseudois nayaur (Hodgson, 1833) Blauschafe in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum Blauschafe im Tierpark Das Blauschaf (Pseudois nayaur), auch Bharal oder ...

UFC Fight Night: Machida vs. Mousasi UFC Fight Night: Machida vs. Mousasi Detalhes Promoção Ultimate Fighting Championship Data 02014-02-15 15 de fevereiro de 2014 Local Arena Jaraguá Cidade Jaraguá do Sul, Santa Catarina Cronologia UFC 169: Barão vs. Faber II UFC Fight Night: Machida vs. Mousasi UFC 170: Rousey vs. McMann UFC Fight Night: Machida vs. Mousasi (ou UFC Fight Night 36) foi um evento de artes marciais mistas promovido pelo Ultimate Fighting Championship, ocorrido em 02014-02...

Diese Liste enthält die Lokomotiven und Triebwagen der Königlich Sächsischen Staatseisenbahnen. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Bezeichnung der Lokomotiven 2 Dampflokomotiven 2.1 Lokomotiven der Anfangszeit für alle Zugarten 2.2 Personen- und Schnellzuglokomotiven 2.3 Gemischtzuglokomotiven 2.4 Güterzuglokomotiven 2.5 Tenderlokomotiven 2.6 Schmalspurlokomotiven 2.6.1 Spurweite 1000 mm 2.6.2 Spurweite 750 mm 2.7 Dampfspeicherlokomotive 3 Triebwagen 4 Schmalspurige Elektrolokomotiven und -triebwagen ...

Richard B. Russell Richard Brevard Russell Jr. (* 2. November 1897 in Winder, Barrow County, Georgia; † 21. Januar 1971 in Washington, D.C.) war ein US-amerikanischer Politiker (Demokratische Partei). Er war sowohl Gouverneur als auch US-Senator von Georgia. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Lebenslauf 2 Literatur 3 Weblinks 4 Einzelnachweise Lebenslauf Er war der Sohn des Juristen Richard Russell, der später Oberster Richter am Supreme Court of Georgia wurde. Russell absolvierte ein Jurastudium und be...

Community in Elk Grove, California, United StatesCommunity in California, United StatesLaguna WestCommunity (Neighborhood)Laguna West-LakesideCountryUnited StatesStateCaliforniaCountySacramento CountyCityElk GroveTime zoneUTC-8 (Pacific Standard Time) • Summer (DST)UTC-7 (Pacific Daylight Time) Laguna West-Lakeside is an area located on the west side of the city of Elk Grove in Sacramento County, California. Formally a census-designated place (CDP), Laguna West-Lakeside was annexe...

SMA Swasta Islam Terpadu Al-IshlahInformasiJenisSwastaNomor Pokok Sekolah Nasional69873962Jumlah kelasKelas X sampai kelas XIIAlamatLokasiJl. Poros Makassar-Maros KM 27 Kelurahan Adatongeng, Kecamatan Turikale, Kabupaten Maros, Sulawesi Selatan, IndonesiaMoto SMA Swasta Islam Terpadu Al-Ishlah adalah sebuah sekolah swasta menengah tingkat atas yang terletak di Jl. Poros Makassar-Maros KM 27 [1] Kelurahan Adatongeng, Kecamatan Turikale, Kabupaten Maros, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia...

Pegunungan TatraPemandangan dari atas Morske OkoTitik tertinggiPuncakGerlachovský štítKetinggian2.655 m (8.711 ft)Letak GeografisNegaraSlowakia and PolandiaPegunungan indukCarpathia Barat Pegunungan Tatra, Tatras atau Tatra (Tatry dalam bahasa Slowakia (pelafalan [ˈtatri]) dan Polandia (diucapkan [ˈtatrɨ])- plurale tantum) adalah pegunungan yang menjadi batas alami Slowakia dengan Polandia. Pegunungan ini merupakan pegunungan tertinggi di Pegunungan Carpathia...

2nd Miss Grand Myanmar competition, beauty pageant edition Miss Grand Myanmar 2024Yangon, the host city of the contestDateDecember 10, 2023VenueYangon Convention Center (YCC), Yangon, MyanmarBroadcasterYouTubeEntrants56Placements21← 20162025 → Miss Grand Myanmar 2024 will be the 2nd edition of the Miss Grand Myanmar pageant, scheduled to be held in Yangon on December 10, 2023.[1][2] Contestants who have qualified through either the regional preliminary pa...

Mustafa Cüneyd DüzyolMinister of DevelopmentIn office22 September 2015 – 17 November 2015Prime MinisterAhmet DavutoğluPreceded byMüslüm DoğanSucceeded byCevdet YılmazUndersecretary to the Development MinistryIn office2 December 2014 – 22 September 2015MinisterCevdet YılmazMüslüm DoğanPreceded byKemal Madenoğlu Personal detailsBorn1964İzmir, TurkeyPolitical partyIndependentAlma materMiddle East Technical UniversityUniversity of East AngliaUniversity of Illino...

Герб Кам'янського району ДеталіНосій Кам'янський районЗатверджений 23 травня 2003 Герб Кам'янського району — офіційний символ Кам'янського району, затверджений 23 травня 2003 р. рішенням сесії районної ради. Опис Щит із зеленим полем обрамлений червоною облямівкою. Посе...

2d Marine Division Insignia The 2d Marine Division is a Marine infantry division of the United States Marine Corps headquartered at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. It is the ground combat element of the II Marine Expeditionary Force (II MEF). Together with 1st Marine Division, it is the oldest and largest active duty division in the United States Marine Corps, representing a combat-ready force of more than 19,000 men and women. It is one of three active duty divisions in the M...

Годы 1986 · 1987 · 1988 · 1989 — 1990 — 1991 · 1992 · 1993 · 1994 Десятилетия 1970-е · 1980-е — 1990-е — 2000-е · 2010-е Века XIX век — XX век — XXI век 2-е тысячелетие XVIII век — XIX век — XX век — XXI век — XXII век 1890-е 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900-е 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910-е 1910 1911 1912 1913 1...

Wyvern TheatreAddressSwindonEnglandCoordinates51°33′29″N 1°46′59″W / 51.558°N 1.783°W / 51.558; -1.783Capacity635ConstructionOpened7 September 1971 (1971-09-07)Reopened25 September The Wyvern Theatre in central Swindon, Wiltshire, England, opened in 1971. It is managed on behalf of Swindon Borough Council by Trafalgar Entertainment. The auditorium has 635 seats, all designed to be within 70 feet of the st...

Foam weapon battle game Dagorhir larp foam fighter Dagorhir Battle Games was a national live action role-playing game (Battle game) but now is local to the Washington, D.C., U.S.A. metropolitan area with full-contact melee fighting and ranged combat as its primary focus. Fighters typically use foam weapons such as swords, flails, spears, bows and arrows, javelins, axes, and other medieval weapons.[1] Participants wear period costume and are expected to stay in-character during events,...