Guyana is a rīce on Sūþamerican norþernum sārīme, nēah þæm Caribiscan Sǣ and mid þæm brimes īegum sind his siþ and hlencas. Guyana līþ be Ƿestsǣ benorþen, be Brasile besūþen and be ƿestsūþen, be Suriname be ēasten and be Fenesƿelan beƿesten.
Þæt land be naman "þā Guianas" oferberƿrieþ micel dǣl betƿuh þæm mūþan þære Amazon Ēa and Orinoco sēo ēa and man hycgþ þe his nama is of Scrælinga ƿord for "Manige ƿætras land ".
Ƿaldere Raleigh Cniht arāsode þās ēa in Elisabeþe Cƿēne dagum in 1594, ac Niðerlendiscu menn hit setloden oð ðe Brettas nām þæt landrīce þæs ƿesternum dāles in þæm 18, gearhund, and hiera land ƿeard Brittisc Guiana. In 1966 ƿeard þæt land sundorrīce be namna 'Guyana'.