Sēo Geþoftode Cyneƿīse Nigerie is land in Ƿestaffrice and þæt land in Affrice mid þǣre mǣstan lēodrǣdenne. Hē ligþ be Benine beƿestan hire, Ceade and Camerune beēastan hire, Nigere benorðan hire, and þǣm Guineaflēote besūðan hire. Micela byrig sind se hēafodstōl Abuia, þæt fyrnhēafod Lagos, Abeocuta, Ibadan, Harcourt Port, Cano, Caduna, Ios, and Benin Burg. Þæs landes nama is unsibb his Africaniscum ierfe, and ƿearþ foreseted fram sumum Times geƿriten in þǣm 1897 gēare.