2. Liga is the sixth tier of the Swiss football league system. The division is split into 17 groups of 12, 13 or 14 teams by geographical region. Teams usually play within their own canton.
Regional associations
Aargauischer Fussballverband (AFV)
Fussballverband Bern/Jura - Association de football Berne/Jura (FVBJ-AFBJ)
Innerschweizerischer Fussballverband (IFV)
Fussballverband Nordwestschweiz (FVNWS)
Ostschweizer Fussballverband (OFV)
Solothurner Kantonal-Fussballverband (SKFV)
Fussballverband Region Zürich (FVRZ)
Federazione ticinese di calcio (FTC)
Association fribourgeoise de football - Freiburger Fussballverband (AFF-FFV)
Association cantonale genevoise de football (ACGF)
Association neuchâteloise de football (ANF)
Association valaisanne de football (AVF)
Association cantonale vaudoise de football (ACVF)
Current season
The 2022–23 season is the current season in the Swiss 2. Liga.