Pharmaceutical drug classification
ATC code M04 Antigout preparations is a therapeutic subgroup of the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System , a system of alphanumeric codes developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the classification of drugs and other medical products.[ 1] [ 2] [ 3] Subgroup M04 is part of the anatomical group M Musculo-skeletal system .[ 4]
Codes for veterinary use (ATCvet codes ) can be created by placing the letter Q in front of the human ATC code: for example, QM04 .[ 5] National issues of the ATC classification may include additional codes not present in this list, which follows the WHO version.
M04A Antigout preparations
M04AA Preparations inhibiting uric acid production
M04AA01 Allopurinol
M04AA02 Tisopurine
M04AA03 Febuxostat
M04AA51 Allopurinol, combinations
M04AB01 Probenecid
M04AB02 Sulfinpyrazone
M04AB03 Benzbromarone
M04AB04 Isobromindione
M04AB05 Lesinurad
M04AC01 Colchicine
M04AC02 Cinchophen
M04AC51 Colchicine and probenecid
M04AX Other antigout preparations
M04AX01 Urate oxidase
M04AX02 Pegloticase