Comedy Central Presents is an American stand-up comedy television series created for Comedy Central. It is the network's main half-hour program which highlights either one or a series of stand-up comedians each episode. In 2011, the series ended and Comedy Central replaced it with the revamped The Half Hour, now called Comedy Central Stand-Up Presents, a series of 30-minute stand-up specials.
Starting in 2008, Comedy Central started releasing "Best of" compilation DVDs, with uncensored audio. Previously, some of these episodes have appeared on DVDs of comedians' stand-up specials, only they remained censored.
The Best of Comedy Central Presents: Uncensored
This DVD was released on February 5, 2008. On this DVD, only the audio was uncensored. There is one moment in Dane Cook's special when he gives the finger, which was blurred on television, that remains blurred.
The Best of Comedy Central Presents: Uncensored II
This DVD was released on August 26, 2008. Unlike the first DVD, this DVD removes all of the commercial bumper titles and isolates the credits of each show. The shows featured on this DVD are: