Other Meanings
Anjali Mudra
Gesture of reverence
Offering; Prayer
Palms touching, fingers pointing upward. May be placed in front of the sternum, the forehead, or overhead.
Dhyana Mudra
Psychic gesture of meditation
Upturned hands overlapping each other, usually right on top of left, with the thumbs touching.
Vāyu Mudra
Psychic gesture of element air
Tip of index finger on the ball of the thumb, with thumb over the bent finger. Other three fingers are extended.
Shunya Mudra (or Shuni Mudra)
Psychic gesture of void, empty
Middle finger bent, with thumb over it. Other three fingers are extended. Sometimes, tip of the bent finger on the ball of the thumb.
Prithvi Mudra
Psychic gesture of element earth
Ring finger bent, with thumb over it. Other three fingers are extended.
Varuna Mudra
Psychic gesture of element water
Little finger bent, with thumb over it. Other three fingers are extended.
Shakti Mudra
Psychic gesture of power
Tips of little and ring fingers of both hands touching, with middle and index fingers folded. Sometimes, thumb folded towards the palm.
Hakini Mudra
Hand-steepling or finger-tenting: joining matching fingertips of right and left hands.
Prāna Mudra
Psychic gesture to activate life force energy
Tips of little finger and ring fingers touch thumb. Other two fingers are extended.
Apāna Mudra
Psychic gesture of life force
Tips of middle and ring fingers touch thumb. Other two fingers are extended.
Poorna Mudra / Brahma Mudra
Gesture of full breath
Thumb tucked in, placed at the base of the fingers. Remaining fingers curled over thumb, forming a fist. Hands are then tucked under the navel area, with fingers facing upwards, and back of the fingers touching.
Jnana Mudra / Gyana Mudra
Psychic gesture of knowledge
Tip of index finger touches thumb, palm facing downward. Other three fingers are extended.
Chin Mudra
Psychic gesture of consciousness
Tip of index finger touches thumb, palm facing upward. Other three fingers are extended.
Adi Mudra
The first gesture (as held by a new born baby)
Thumb tucked in, placed at the base of the fingers. Remaining fingers curled over thumb, forming a fist.
Chinmaya Mudra
Pervaded by consciousness mudrā
Tip of thumb and index finger touching. Other three fingers are folded.
Yoni Mudra
Attitude of the womb or source
Hands touching by the tips of thumbs and index fingers. Other six fingers are either interlaced or folded and pressed together.
Bhairav Mudra
Fierce or terrifying attitude
Upturned hands overlapping each other, usually right on top of left.
Hridaya Mudra
Heart gesture
Index finger bent under the thumb. Middle and ring finger touching tip of thumb. Little finger extended.
Vishnu Mudra
Hand gesture of Lord Vishnu
Thumb, ring and little finger extended. Index and middle finger folded and touching pad of thumb.
Granthita Mudra
Knot gesture
Thumb and index fingers of each hand touch at tips and are interlaced, other fingers are interlaced and folded at the knuckles.
Mahasir Mudra
Great head gesture
Done with the right hand. Ring finger is curled into the palm. The tips of the index and middle finger touch the tip of the thumb. Little finger extended.