The prenomen "Nebsenre" is preserved on the ninth column, 14th row[note 1] of the Turin canon, a list of kings written during the reign of Ramses II (1279–1213 BCE) which serves as the primary historical source for the Second Intermediate Period.[5] The canon further credits Nebsenre with a lost number of years, five months and 20 days of reign following Heribre on the throne.[6] The prenomen of Nebsenre's successor is written as wsf on the Turin king list,[6][7] indicating that his name was already lost in a lacuna of the document from which the canon was copied in Ramesside times.[8]
Contemporary artefact
Nebsenre is one of only four[9] kings of the 14th Dynasty to be attested by an artefact contemporary with his reign: a jar of unknown provenance bearing his prenomen, which was in the private Michailidis collection.[10][4]
Chronological position
According to the Egyptologists Kim Ryholt and Darrell Baker, Nebsenre was the 14th king of the 14th Dynasty,[11] a line of rulers of Canaanite descent reigning over the Eastern Nile Delta from c. 1700 BCE until c. 1650 BCE.[note 2] Alternatively the Egyptologist Jürgen von Beckerath sees him as the fifteenth ruler, due to a differing reconstruction of the early 14th Dynasty.[14]
^Following Ryholt's reconstruction of the Turin canon. This corresponds to the eighth column, fourteenth row in the reconstruction of the canon of Gardiner and von Beckerath.[4]
^Ryholt dates the beginning of the 14th Dynasty to c. 1800 BCE,[3] adding five kings to it before Nehesy. This is rejected by most Egyptologists who consider Nehesy to have been either the founder[12] or the second king of the dynasty.[13]
Baker, Darrell D. (2008). The Encyclopedia of the Egyptian Pharaohs. Volume I: Predynastic to the Twentieth Dynasty (3300–1069 BC). London: Bannerstone Press. ISBN978-1-905299-37-9.
Kaplony, Peter (1973). Beschriftete Kleinfunde in der Sammlung Georges Michailidis: Ergebnisse einer Bestandsaufnahme im Sommer 1968. Uitgaven van het Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut te İstanbul, 32. Istanbul: Nederlands Historisch-Archeologisch Instituut in het Nabije Oosten. OCLC1064212.
von Beckerath, Jürgen (1999). Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen (in German). Münchner ägyptologische Studien, Heft 49, Mainz : Philip von Zabern. ISBN978-3-8053-2591-2.