Xlibris is a printing and distribution service that produces hardback and paperback books.[2] It also publishes e-books in several formats. The company was acquired by a supported publishing company, Author Solutions, Inc., on January 8, 2009.[4] Prior to that, 49% of the company had been owned by Random House.[2][5]
In the same year, the company announced its expansion into the UK, Australian, and New Zealand markets.[6]
The name is a derivation of the Latin term ex libris, which means "from the library of".
In a New York Times article, D.T. Max stated that the quality of Xlibris's books was better than that of its competitors in the self-publishing industry, but criticized the organization of the site, where books were only indexed by an alphabetical listing by title with bare descriptions of the plot and theme. He ultimately phoned a company executive for a recommendation and to place an order.[2]
^ abjoint venture with Amperwelle Studio München Programmanbietergesellschaft, Axel Springer AG, Burda, Studio Gong, m.b.t. Mediengesellschaft der bayerischen Tageszeitungen für Kabelkommunikation, Medienpool and Radio Bavaria Rundfunkprogrammgesellschaft.
^joint venture with Verlagsgesellschaft Madsack, Studio Gong Niedersachsen and Brune-Rieck-Beteiligungs.
^joint venture with Axel Springer, Heinrich Bauer Verlag, Lühmanndruck Harburger Zeitungsgesellschaft and Morgenpost Verlag.