B.B. (ビービー, Bī Bī) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Osamu Ishiwata. The manga ran in Shogakukan's shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Sunday from 1985 issue 24 to 1991 issue 9.[1] The title stands for "Burning Blood" and Ishiwata's subsequent serial LOVe was a continuation of this series. In 1989, B.B. won the Shogakukan Manga Award in the shōnen category.[2]
One night after leaving a club where he was playing trumpet Ryō Takagi is jumped by a motorcycle gang. The scuffle spills out into the streets and causes a traffic accident. Ryō eventually gives up his musical career and joins the world of underground boxing as he struggles to overcome his "burning blood" and the anger that easily overtakes him.