The first implementation of E4X was designed by Terry Lucas and John Schneider and appeared in BEA's Weblogic Workshop 7.0, released in February 2002.[citation needed] BEA's implementation was based on Rhino and released before the ECMAScript E4X spec was completed in June 2004.[citation needed]
var sales = <sales vendor="John">
<item type="peas" price="4" quantity="6"/>
<item type="carrot" price="3" quantity="10"/>
<item type="chips" price="5" quantity="3"/>
alert( sales.item.(@type == "carrot").@quantity );
alert( sales.@vendor );
for each( var price in sales..@price ) {
alert( price );
delete sales.item[0];
sales.item += <item type="oranges" price="4"/>;
sales.item.(@type == "oranges").@quantity = 4;