The Humac tablet (Serbo-Croatian: Хумачка плоча, Хумска плоча / Humačka ploča, Humska ploča) is an Old Slavicepigraph in Bosnian Cyrillic script [1][2] in the form of a stone tablet, believed to be variously dated to between the 10th and 12th century, being one of the oldest Serbo-Croatian preserved inscriptions.[1]
There is disagreement over the dating; Yugoslav epigrapher and historian Marko Vego dated it to the end of the 10th or the beginning of the 11th century;[6] linguist Jovan Deretić to the 10th or 11th century;[7] historian Dimitrije Bogdanović to the 12th century.[8]
The text of the tablet tells about the act of raising a church dedicated to the Archangel Michael by Krsmir (also rendered Uskrsimir or Krešimir) and his wife Pavica. The tablet is quadrangle in shape (68x60x15 cm), and the inscription is carved in form of a quadrangle in Cyrillic script among which five Glagolitic letters (four E-like letters resembling Ⰵ and a Ⱅ letter alongside a conventional Cyrillic Т) occur.
✚ U ime o(tь)ca i s(i)na i s(ve)tago d(u)ha. A se c(rь)ki a(rhan)đ(e)la Mi(hai)la, a zida ju u Kьrsmirь sinь Bretь? župi urunь? i ž(e)na jega Pavica.
Modernized Serbo-Croatian
U ime oca i sina i svetoga duha. Ovo je crkva arhanđela Mihajla, a zida je Krsmir sin Bretov, u župi Urun i žena njegova Pavica.
English translation
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. This is the church of the Archangel Michael, built by Krsmir, the son of Bret, in the Parish of Urun, and his wife Pavica.
Transliteration and the interpretation of the text differs among Slavicists and paleographers.