Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays is a collection of essays, written by the Marxist philosopher Louis Althusser, published in 1971.[10] A similar edition in French is Lénine et la philosophie suivi de Marx et Lénine devant Hegel (Paris, 1972).[11]
Both editions consist of Althusser’s lecture at the Société française de philosophie ‘Lenin and Philosophy’ (French: Lénine et la Philosophie)[12] as well as of Althusser’s essay ‘Lenin before Hegel’ (French: Lénine devant Hegel) (written in 1968; first published [in French]: 1970[11]).
A third essay within the French edition is Sur la rapport de Marx à Hegel (About the relationship of Marx to Hegel) (written in 1969; first published [in German]: 1970[11]). This essay is not part of the English edition.[11][13]
Rather the English edition additionally consists of a foreword, written by Althusser himself, and six other works of Althusser, which are not part of the French edition. Among these six works is Althusser’s famous essay ‘Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses’.[14]
Most recent English editions
Louis Althusser, Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays. [Newly] introduced by Fredric Jameson. Translated from the French by Ben Brewster[15] (Dewey classification: 335.43)
^in: Bulletin de la Société française de philosophie 1968 no. 4 (OCLC: 1041236967), pages 125 - 181 (with the ensuing discussion) and – as monograph (without the discussion) – Maspero: Paris, 1969 (59 pages).