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List of South African provinces by poverty rate

This is a list of South African provinces by poverty rate as of 2014. The international poverty rate used by the World Bank is used in the following list. The estimates can therefore differ from other estimates, like the national poverty rate.


Percent of population living on less than $2.15, $3.65 and $6.85 a day, international dollars (2017 PPP) as per the World Bank.[1]

Percent of population living on less than poverty thresholds
Province $2.15 $3.65 $6.85 Estimate year
 South Africa 20.5% 40.0% 61.6% 2014
Eastern Cape 35.6% 59.1% 77.3% 2014
Limpopo 34.3% 56.9% 77.1% 2014
KwaZulu-Natal 28.1% 52.4% 73.1% 2014
North West 23.2% 46.9% 70.9% 2014
Mpumalanga 20.3% 42.4% 65.9% 2014
Northern Cape 20.3% 40.6% 66.8% 2014
Free State 16.3% 36.2% 62.5% 2014
Gauteng 6.9% 19.0% 40.9% 2014
Western Cape 6.8% 21.3% 43.8% 2014


  1. ^ "Geospatial Poverty Portal: Interactive Maps". World Bank. Retrieved 2024-01-22.
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