The story revolves around Bhaskar Shetty (Angad Bedi), who emerges as a top encounter specialist in Mumbai. The series highlights his journey and passion to rule the city on his terms.
Neha Dobi was also in the show.
The series was digitally released on both ZEE5 and ALT Balaji on November 12, 2020.[3]
Archika Khurana from Times Of India stated that Angad Bedi's performance in the series makes the gangster sequences more realistic.[4] Udita Jhunjhunwala from Firstpost summed up the series review stating that Angad Bedi's crime series is a beautiful amalgamation of every Indian gangster movie.[5]
Heer Kothari from Free express journal stated that individual acting brilliance of the actors in the series makes it watchable.[6]Pakaoo gave the series a mixed review and highlighted that the series missed a lot of key components.[7]