Ramon Margalef López (Barcelona 16 May 1919 - 23 May 2004) was a Spanish biologist and ecologist. He was Emeritus Professor of Ecology at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Barcelona. Margalef, one of the most prominent scientists that Spain has produced,[1][2][3] worked at the Institute of Applied Biology (1946–1951), and at the Fisheries Research Institute, which he directed during 1966–1967.[4] He created the Department of Ecology of the University of Barcelona, from where he trained a huge number of ecologists, limnologists and oceanographers. In 1967 he became Spain's first professor of ecology.
Career summary
From 1954 to 1974 Margalef contributed to the New York-based magazine Iberica.[5] In 1957, with the translation into English of his inaugural lecture as a member of the Barcelona Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences, "Information Theory in Ecology", he gained a worldwide audience. Another groundbreaking article, "On certain unifying principles in ecology", published in American Naturalist in 1963,[6] and his book "Perspectives in Ecological Theory" (1968), based on his guest lectures at the University of Chicago, consolidated him as one of the leading thinkers of modern ecology. In the summer of 1958 he was professor of Marine ecology at the Institute of Marine Biology (currently Department of Marine Sciences) of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez and produced the work Comunidades Naturales ("Natural Communities").
Margalef, Ramon (1960). "Ideas for a synthetic approach to the ecology of running waters". Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie. 45 (45): 133–153. doi:10.1002/iroh.19600450108.
—— (1964). "Correspondence between the classic types of lakes and the structural and dynamic properties of their populations". SIL Proceedings, 1922-2010. 15 (1): 169–175. doi:10.1080/03680770.1962.11895518.
—— (1962). Comunidades naturales. Mayagüez: Instituto de Biología Marina de la Universidad de Puerto Rico.
——; Planas M.D., Armengol J., Vidal A., Prat N., Guisset A., Toja J., Estrada M. (1976). Limnología de los embalses españoles. Madrid: Dirección General de Obras Hidraúlicas.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
—— (1980). La biosfera: entre la termodinámica y el juego. Barcelona: Omega.
(1982). Mi respuesta, collection of his articles published in Ibérica[5]
—— (1983). Limnología. Barcelona: Omega.
—— (1992). Planeta azul, planeta verde. Barcelona: Prensa Científica SA.
—— (1994). Limnology now: a paradigm of planetary problems. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
—— (1997). Our biosphere. Oldendorf: Ecology Institute.
Espai Margalef (University of Barcelona Library)Digital.CSIC. Fons digitalitzat de les publicacions de Ramon Margalef per la biblioteca de l'Institut de Ciencies del Mar de Barcelona.
Digital CSIC. Digitized collection of Ramon Margalef's publications by the library of the Institut de Ciences del Mar, Barcelona.