The Tawon Car is a mini car, one of the Indonesian Low Cost Green Car. The naming comes from the philosophy of tawon (wasp), small but can sting likes a bee. Wasp also diligently start to work in early morning.
Until end of 2010, most of Tawon cars are used as village public transport or taxis without argometer.[2]
At the end of 2010, the company launched Tawon Pickup with 500cc gasoline engine only.[3] In 2013, all Tawon variants use 664cc 2 cylinders 4 stroke engine with gasoline or CNG. Except Chinese engine, all car components are made in Indonesia.[4]
Tawon Transformer, a pickup for 2 persons and 500 kilograms of goods
Tawon AutoGas, a city car for 4 persons
Metro Tawon, a hybrid wagon for carrying persons and goods
PT Super Gasindo Jaya is a member of Asianusa who use Chinese-produced engine, but all other contents is locally made.[12] As of 2017, the only member of Asianusa in active production is PT Fin Komodo Technology, the others (including Tawon manufacturer) already bankrupt.