The journal was founded in 1972, as The Journal of the Playing-Card Society (until 1980). Since then it has produced an annual volume of four (formerly six) issues. It has an index of its articles for the years 1972–1997,[1] and contents listings for issues from 1980 to the present.</ref>[2]
According to card game historian David Parlett, card game research has become "a particular pursuit" of the IPCS and many of its field researchers publish their findings in The Playing-Card. This has contributed to "a growing awareness that a society's indoor games are as distinctive of its culture as its arts, cuisine, or social customs, and are worth recording for the light they throw on that community's personality."[3]
Notable contributors to the journal have included:
^Depaulis, Thierry (2010). "Dawson’s Game: Blackjack and the Klondike," in The Playing-Card, Journal of the International Playing-Card Society, Vol. 38, No. 4, ed. by Peter Endebrock, April–June 2010, 317 pages. Published by The International Playing-Card Society, ISSN 0305-2133.
^The volume and issue numbers of the journal are shown in brackets below.