Vath Koreshi (1936–2006[1]) was one of the most renowned Albaniannovelists and screen writers. He is perhaps best known for writing a series of romans and novels such as “The two Saturdays of Susana" (1971), “The Hajji of Frakulla" and “The marriage of Sako" (1980),“Requiem for a woman" (1995), "The wulf and the star" (1996), “A woman in yellow in Buddha Forest" (2003) etc., but also for writing scripts to the movies "Gjeneral Gramafoni" (1978); "Rrugë të Bardha" (1974). "Balada e Kurbinit" (1990) etc.
Biography of Vath Koreshi:
1960-1964 Albanian Language and Literature, University of Tirana
2001-2005 Member of the Albanian Parliament
1995-2000 Director, Publishing House “ONUFRI”;
1992-1995 Chief editor of Cultural Magazine “Art”;
1991-1992 Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports;
1987-1991 Director of Arts Department, Ministry of Culture;
1983-1987 Freelance writer;
1978-1983 Head of “Albafilm Studio”;
1973-1978 Journalist at the weekly art newspaper “Drita” (Light);
1964-1973 Journalist at “Zëri i Rinisë” (The Voice of Youth) newspaper;
1964 “Kur zunë shirat e vjeshtës” (When the fall rains began), Collection of short stories;
1968 “Toka nën hijen e shtëpive” (The land under the shadows of houses), Collection of short stories;
1971 “Dy të shtunat e Suzanës (The two Saturdays of Susana), Roman;
1971 “Ndërrimi i qiejve” (The change of skies), Collection of short stories;
1975 “Mars” (March), Roman;
1977 “Mali mbi kënetë” (The mountain over the marsh), Roman;
1980 “Haxhiu i Frakullës” (The Hajji of Frakulla), Roman;
1980 “Dasma e Sakos” (The marriage of Sako), Roman;
1985 “Rrugë për larg” (Road to far away), Roman;
1985 “Leopardi” (Lepard), Novel;
1987 “Balada e Kurbinit” (The Ballad of Kurbin), Roman;
1995 “Requiem për një grua” (Requiem for a woman), Roman;
1996 Ulku dhe Uilli (The wulf and the star), Roman;
1999 “Konomea” (Konomea), Novel;
2003 “Një grua me te verdha ne pyllin e Buddha-s” (A woman in yellow in Buddha Forest), Roman;
2005 “Çafka” (The heron), Roman;
Scripts for artistic movies and documentaries:
1974 “Rrugë të bardha” (White roads);
1976 “Nga mesi i errësirës” (Into the dark);
1978 “Gjeneral Gramafoni” (General of Gramophone);
1978 “Agimet e stinës së madhe” (The dawn of a great season);
1979 “Liri a vdekje” (Freedom or death);
1980 “Nata e parë e lirisë” (The first night of freedom);
1982 “Në kufi të dy legjendave” (Two legends);
1982 “Plaku dhe hasmi” (The old man and the enemy);
1984 “Besa e kuqe” (The red pledge);
1986 “Në prag të jetës” (On the threshold of life);
1987 “Botë e padukshme” (Invisible world);
1990 “Balada e Kurbinit” (The Ballad of Kurbin);
1998 “Dasma e Sakos” (The marriage of Sako);
2000 “Porta Eva” (Gate Eva);
2000 “Lotët e Kosovës” (The Tears of Kosova);
2000 “Në kërkim të Hafize Leskovikut” (About Hafize Leskoviku);
2000 “Të bekuarit” (Blessed);
2002 “Bir” (Son);
2002 “O Çoban” (Remzi Lela –sobriquet Çobani (the Shepherd);
1967 “Hijet ikin nga mallet” (Shadows move away from mountains);
1968 “Njerëzit e minierës” (Mine people);
1970 “Mysafiri i natës” (The night guest);
2020 “Honorary Citizen (posthumous) of the city of Gjirokastra;
2008 Republic of Albania “Honor of the Nation” (posthumous);
2000 “Honorary Citizen of the city of Lushnja (birthplace);
Republic award for:
1979 Gjeneral Gramafoni (The General of Gramophone) –movie script;
1981 Dasma e Sakos (The marriage of Sako) – Roman;
Order “Naim Frashëri”:
1985 Order of the First Rank;
1976 Order of the Second Rank;
1969 Order of the Third Rank;
International awards:
1990 “Gjeneral Gramafoni” (General of Gramophone), diploma, International Festival of Istanbul;
1990 “Balada e Kurbinit” (The Ballad of Kurbin-movie), Diploma International Festival of Paris for artistic and historic movies; this was also the first Albanian movie to represent Albania in the Venice Festival in 1989.
1996 Literature Award “Çikal Brindizi”;
1979 “Gjeneral Gramafoni” (General of Gramophone);
1987 “Balada e Kurbinit” (The Ballad of Kurbin);
2000 "Dasma e Sakos" (The Marriage of Sako) (the Best Movie script).