Wayne Shorter
Wayne Shorter (Newark, New Jersey, 1933ko abuztuaren 25a - Los Angeles, 2023ko martxoaren 2a) estatubatuar jazz saxo-jotzaile eta musikagilea izan zen.[1]
1950eko hamarkadaren amaieran egin zen ezagun Art Blakeyren Jazz Messengers bandako kide eta musikagile gisa. 1960ko hamarkadan Miles Davisen Second Great Quintet taldean sartu zen eta ondoren Weather Report taldea sortu zuen. Hogei disko grabatu zituen taldeburu gisa.
Hamabi Grammy sari irabazi zituen eta saxo sopranoaren maisu izendatu zuten.
- Introducing Wayne Shorter (aka Blues a la Carte, Vee-Jay, 1959)
- Second Genesis (Vee-Jay, rec. 1960, rel. 1974)
- Wayning Moments (Vee-Jay, 1962)
- Night Dreamer (Blue Note, 1964)
- JuJu (Blue Note, 1964)
- Speak No Evil (Blue Note, rec. 1964, rel. 1966)
- The Soothsayer (Blue Note, rec. 1965, rel. 1979)
- Et Cetera (Blue Note, rec. 1965, rel. 1980)
- The All Seeing Eye (Blue Note, rec. 1965, rel. 1966)
- Adam's Apple (Blue Note, rec. 1966, rel. 1967)
- Schizophrenia (Blue Note, rec. 1967, rel. 1969)
- Super Nova (Blue Note, 1969)
- Moto Grosso Feio (Blue Note, rec. 1970, rel. 1974)
- Odyssey of Iska (Blue Note, rec. 1970, rel. 1971)
- Native Dancer (Columbia, rec. 1974, rel. 1975) Milton Nascimentorekin
- Atlantis (Columbia, 1985)
- Phantom Navigator (Columbia, rec. 1986, rel. 1987)
- Joy Ryder (Columbia, 1988)
- High Life (Verve, 1995)
- 1+1 (Verve, 1997) Herbie Hancockekin
- Footprints Live! (Verve, 2002)
- Alegría (Verve, 2003)
- Beyond the Sound Barrier (Verve, rec. live 2002–2004, rel. 2005) Wayne Shorter Quartet bezala
- Carlos Santana and Wayne Shorter – Live at the Montreux Jazz Festival 1988 (Image Entertainment, 2007) Carlos Santanarekin
- Without a Net (Blue Note, rec. live 2010, rel. 2013) Wayne Shorter Quartet bezala
- Emanon (Blue Note, 2018)
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