Hermann Schussler lahir apa yang sekarang menjadi Rastede, Jerman. Dari 1859 sampai 1862, ia masuk Akademi Militer Prusia Oldenburg. Setalah ia lulus, ia belajar teknik sipil di Zürich dan Karlsruhe.
The Daily Journal: A water-systems engineer and architect of dams, June 8, 2009. [3]Diarsipkan 2011-07-16 di Wayback Machine.
John Debo Galloway: Early Engineering Works Contributory to the Comstock, 1947.
Hermann Schussler: The Water Supply Of San Francisco, California Before, During And After The Earthquake of April 18, 1906 And The Subsequent Conflagration, 1907.
Hugh Shamberger: The Story of the Water supply for the Comstock, 1965.