Sungai Rasau, Sungai Pinyuh, Mempawah
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أدان بالبين معلومات شخصية الميلاد 13 أكتوبر 1986 (العمر 37 سنة) الطول 1.80 م (5 قدم 11 بوصة) مركز اللعب مدافع الجنسية بيرو معلومات النادي النادي الحالي سبورت بويز الرقم 6 المسيرة الاحترافية1 سنوات فريق م. (هـ.) 2005–2007 اتحاد هوارال 51 (3) 2007–2008 كورونل بولوجنسّي 72 (3) 2009–2013 Club Depor...

Đối với các định nghĩa khác, xem Yamato (định hướng). Thiết giáp hạm Yamato đang chạy thử máy, năm 1941 Lịch sử Nhật Bản Đặt tên theo Yamato (Đại Hòa), một tên thơ ca của Nhật BảnĐặt hàng tháng 3 năm 1937Xưởng đóng tàu Xưởng hải quân Kure[1]Kinh phí ~250 triệu yên Nhật (thời giá 1941)(Tương đương 2,5 tỷ USD thời giá 2017)Đặt lườn 4 tháng 11 năm 1937[1]Hạ thủy 8 tháng 8 năm...
بئر السبع (بالعبرية) בְּאֵר שֶׁבַע منظر جوي لمدينة بئر السبع بئر السبع تاريخ التأسيس الألف الرابع قبل الميلاد تقسيم إداري البلد الدولة العثمانية (1900–31 أكتوبر 1917) فلسطين الانتدابية (1920–1948) إسرائيل (1948–) [1][2] عاصمة لـ المنطقة الجنوبية المنطقة لواء الجنوب ال

Ini adalah nama Minahasa, marganya adalah Pangalila. Randy PangalilaLahirRandy Dionisius Pangalila19 Oktober 1990 (umur 33)Surabaya, Jawa Timur, IndonesiaPendidikanSMA Katolik Santo Louis 2 SurabayaPekerjaanPemeranpenyanyimodelatlet seni bela diri campuranTahun aktif2006—sekarangSuami/istriChelsey Frank (m. 2019)Anak2KeluargaGilbert Pangalila (sepupu)Penghargaanlihat daftarKarier musikInstrumenVokal Randy Dionisius Pangalila (lahir 19 Oktober 1990) a...

Architectural element A classically detailed bracket at the chapel of Greenwich Hospital, London Bracket for a shelf or hanging items A bracket is an architectural element: a structural or decorative member. It can be made of wood, stone, plaster, metal, or other media. It projects from a wall, usually to carry weight and sometimes to ...strengthen an angle.[1][2] A corbel or console are types of brackets.[3] In mechanical engineering a bracket is any intermediate comp...

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English landscape painter (1821–1856) For the New Zealand politician see Tom Seddon Thomas Seddon (28 August 1821 in London – 23 November 1856 in Cairo) was an English landscape painter associated with the Pre-Raphaelite movement, who painted colourful and highly detailed scenes of Brittany, Egypt, and Jerusalem. Life The Citadel of Cairo, 1856 Jerusalem and the Valley of Jehoshaphat from the Hill of Evil Counsel, 1854. (Tate Gallery) Seddon was born on 28 August 1821 in Aldersgate Street...

Saint-André-le-Désert Saint-André-le-Désert Vị trí trong vùng Burgundy Saint-André-le-Désert Hành chính Quốc gia Pháp Vùng Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Tỉnh Saône-et-Loire Quận Mâcon Tổng Cluny Thống kê Độ cao 222–466 m (728–1.529 ft)(bình quân 250 m (820 ft)[chuyển đổi: tùy chọn không hợp lệ]) Diện tích đất1 17,87 km2 (6,90 dặm vuông Anh) Nhân khẩu1 261 - Mật độ 15/km2...

2008 studio album by Chris TomlinHello LoveStudio album by Chris TomlinReleasedSeptember 2, 2008GenreCCM, worshipLabelsixstepsProducerEd CashChris Tomlin chronology See the Morning(2006) Hello Love(2008) Glory in the Highest: Christmas Songs of Worship(2009) Professional ratingsReview scoresSourceRatingAllMusic[1]Jesus Freak Hideout[2] Hello Love is the fifth studio album by Chris Tomlin, released on September 2, 2008. It debuted at No. 9 on the Billboard 200 with 52,0...

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Technische Universität Clausthal Gründung 1775 Ort Clausthal-Zellerfeld Bundesland Niedersachsen Niedersachsen Land Deutschland Deutschland Präsidentin Sylvia Schattauer[1] Studierende 3.476 (WS 2021/22)[2] Mitarbeiter 1.185 (2020)[2] davon Professoren 77 (2020)[2] Jahresetat 123,5 Mio. € (2021)[2]Drittmittel: 31,4 Mio. € Website Die Technische Universität Clausthal (TUC) ist eine Universität in Clausthal-Zellerfel...

Kindergarten to 12th grade For other uses, see K12 (disambiguation). This article is part of a series onEducation in theUnited States Summary By state and in insular areas By subject area History of education in the United States History of education in Chicago History of education in Kentucky History of education in Massachusetts History of education in Missouri History of education in New York City Issues Accreditation Primary and secondary Post-secondary Financing Educational attainment La...

1987 West German horror exploitation film by Jörg Buttgereit NekromantikFilm posterDirected byJörg ButtgereitWritten by Jörg Buttgereit Franz Rodenkirchen Produced byManfred JelinskiStarring Daktari Lorenz Beatrice Manowski Harald Lundt CinematographyUwe BohrerEdited by Jörg Buttgereit Manfred O. Jelinski Music by Hermann Kopp Daktari Lorenz John Boy Walton Distributed byLeisure Time Features (US)Release dates 1988 (1988) (West Germany)[1][2][3] 1 Nov...

Австралія на Олімпійських іграх Код МОК:AUS НОК:Національний олімпійськийкомітет Австралії Участь у літніх Олімпійських іграх 1896 • 1900 • 1904 • 1908—1912 • 1920 • 1924 • 1928 • 1932 • 1936 • 1948 • 1952 • 1956 • 1960 • 1964 • 1968 • 1972 • 1976 • 1980 • 1984 • 1988 • 1992 • 1996 • 2000 • 2004 • 2008 • 2012 • 2016 • 2020 Уч...

Прапор Чернігівського району Використання Пропорції 2:3Затверджений 17 червня 2004Кольори білий зеленийТип РайоннийПриналежність Чернігівський район Не плутати з прапором Чернігівського району Запорізької області. Пра́пор Черні́гівського райо́ну — офіційний символ...

此條目介紹的是一個橫跨美國與加拿大的區域。关于意義類似但僅指美國境內的區域,请见「美國西北部」。 此條目没有列出任何参考或来源。 (2019年5月16日)維基百科所有的內容都應該可供查證。请协助補充可靠来源以改善这篇条目。无法查证的內容可能會因為異議提出而被移除。 太平洋西北地區Pacific Northwest「卡斯卡迪亞」 Cascadia 從上方順時針依序為 西雅圖天...

1993 Hong Kong filmDays of TomorrowUS film posterChinese nameTraditional Chinese天長地久Simplified Chinese天长地久TranscriptionsStandard MandarinHanyu PinyinTiān Cháng Dì JiǔYue: CantoneseJyutpingTin1 Ceong4 Dei6 Gau2 Directed byJeffrey LauWritten byJeffrey LauProduced byAndy LauDaniel YuStarringAndy LauJay LauCarrie NgDeanie IpHilary TsuiCinematographyArthur WongEdited byPatrick TamHai Kit-waiMusic byLowell LoStephen ShingProductioncompanyTeamwork Motion PicturesDistributed ...

International sporting eventWomen's 3 metre springboard at the 2015 Pan American GamesVenueCIBC Pan Am/Parapan Am Aquatics Centre and Field HouseDatesJuly 12Competitors15 from 8 nationsWinning score384.70Medalists Jennifer Abel Canada Pamela Ware Canada Dolores Hernandez Mexico«2011 2019» Diving at the2015 Pan American GamesIndividual3 m springboardmenwomen10 m platformmenwomenSynchronized3 m springboardmenwomen10 m platformmenw...

Membrane progesterone receptors (mPRs) are a group of cell surface receptors and membrane steroid receptors belonging to the progestin and adipoQ receptor (PAQR) family which bind the endogenous progestogen and neurosteroid progesterone, as well as the neurosteroid allopregnanolone.[1][2] Unlike the progesterone receptor (PR), a nuclear receptor which mediates its effects via genomic mechanisms, mPRs are cell surface receptors which rapidly alter cell signaling via modulation ...