歐洲聯盟理事會主席國(英語:Presidency of the Council of the European Union),又稱歐盟輪值主席國,負責運行歐盟理事會,由歐盟成員國之間輪任,每六個月為一任。主席任期內由一國政府承擔工作,負責推動部長理事會的政策議題,並主持除了外交事務外的九大領域理事會。而為了確保歐盟政策的延續性與穩定性,每三個輪值主席國會組成一個三重組合 (Presidency Trio),共同訂定這18個月的政策方向。
^Germany was due to succeed Austria in 2006 but stepped aside as general elections were scheduled for that period. Finland, as next in line, took Germany's place. Eventually the German elections took place in 2005 due to a loss of confidence vote, but the re-arrangement remained.
^It was originally intended for the 英国 to hold the presidency from 1 July to 31 December 2017, but after 英國去留歐盟公投, the 英國政府 informed the 欧洲联盟 that it would abandon its presidency for late 2017 and was replaced instead by 爱沙尼亚.
^Joseph Masciulli、Mikhail A. Molchanov、W. Andy Knight. The Ashgate Research Companion to Political Leadership. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. 2009年: 第323頁. ISBN 0754671828(英语).