美國總統旗(英語:Flag of the president of the United States),是美國總統的旗幟,由深藍色背景上的總統徽章組成。雖然自1945年以來,國旗與總統徽章的設計相同,但有著不同的歷史,並且旗幟和徽章的設計在不同時期相互影響。這面旗幟經常由總統在官方照片中展示,或者在官方葬禮遊行中飄揚在前總統的靈柩旁邊,並在總統的車隊上飄揚。總統旗幟不會下半旗,因為總是有現任總統在任。當前標誌在1960年的第10860號行政命令中定義:
The Color(英语:Colours, standards and guidons) and Flag of the President of the United States shall consist of a dark blue rectangular background of sizes and proportions to conform to military and naval custom, on which shall appear the Coat of Arms of the President in proper colors. The proportions of the elements of the Coat of Arms shall be in direct relation to the hoist, and the fly shall vary according to the customs of the military and naval services. 合眾國總統的顏色和旗幟應由尺寸和比例符合軍事和海軍習慣的深藍色矩形背景組成,其上應以適當的顏色顯示總統徽章。紋章各元素的比例應與升降機直接相關,門襟應根據陸軍和海軍軍種的習慣而有所不同。
Clouds—white, shaded gray.
Scroll—white with gray shadows.
All dimensions are exclusive of heading and hems. Device to appear on both sides of flag but will appear reversed on reverse side of flag, except that the motto shall read from left to right on both sides.