他一个显著的成就是开创性地在程序验证中使用了逻辑断言。在他1967年的论文《如何确定程序的意义》Assigning Meanings to Programs中首先提出,之后演化为霍尔逻辑。
弗洛伊德与高德纳工作很密切,他是高德纳的著作《计算机程序设计艺术》的主要评审,并且在书中被多次提及。他与理查德·贝尔格(Richard Beigel)合著有《机器的语言:可计算和形式语言的介绍》The Language of Machines: an Introduction to Computability and Formal Languages。 [1]
弗洛伊德于1978年获得图灵奖,并做“程序设计的风范”(The Paradigms of Programming)的演讲,图灵奖引文是:
^ "for having a clear influence on methodologies for the creation of efficient and reliable software, and for helping to found the following important subfields of computer science: the theory of parsing, the [semantics of programming languages, automatic program verification, automatic program synthesis, and analysis of algorithms".