记录显示,安全办公室(英语:Ministry of Public Security (Poland))在审讯期间施加了肉体酷刑,导致其中一些男子屈打成招——这些人后来在法庭上翻了供。在屈打成招下给出证词又翻供的被告包括 Józef Chrzanowski, Marian Żyluk, Czesław Laudański,[54] Wincenty Gościcki, Roman Zawadzki, Jan Zawadzki, Aleksander Łojewski, Franciszek Łojewski, Eugeniusz Śliwecki, Stanisław Sielawa等人;他们被宣判无罪并被法庭释放。[1]
违规审讯方法的使用得到了公安部长斯坦尼斯瓦夫·拉德基耶维茨(英语:Ministry of Public Security of Poland)(Stanisław Radkiewicz)的确认,[何时?]他在一份内部备忘录中承认对调查的“修正”手段包括殴打,完全遗漏情况和证据,以及将证词内容改写为可以帮助起诉但并没有反映现实的内容。[55]法庭没有联系任何一个在耶德瓦布内救过犹太人的波兰人,也没有试图确定受害者的名字。没有人寻找已经消失的市长马利安·卡罗拉克,并且没有人试图确认犯罪时到场的德国部队。然而法院的确确认,被告参与骚乱时遭到了德国警方威胁,以及身体暴力行为的胁迫。[56]
在随后于1964年在路德维希堡进行的德国调查中,沙佩尔向审讯人员撒谎,声称他在1941年是一名卡车司机。对被告的法律诉讼于1965年9月2日终止,但沙佩尔的案件于1974年重新开启。在第二次调查期间,范·德·格罗本伯爵(van der Groeben)作证说,确实是沙佩尔在他所在的地区大规模处决了犹太人。1976年,黑森州吉森的德国法庭宣布,沙佩尔因党卫队切哈努夫-普沃茨克突击队对波兰人和犹太人的处决,被判有罪。沙佩尔被判处六年徒刑,但很快因医疗原因被释放。[61] 根据德国联邦检察官的说法,他的调查记录已无法找到,很可能已被销毁。
波兰裔美国历史学家扬·格罗斯(Jang T. Gross)的著作《邻居》(Sąsiedzi)初版以波兰语书写,其结论在历史学界引发了激烈辩论。随后,波兰议会于2000年7月下令对耶德瓦布内暴行进行新的调查。议会委托国家记忆研究院转发其调查结果,以便采取可能的法律行动。当时刚刚成立不久的波兰国家记忆研究院(IPN)是波兰纳粹罪行调查委员会的独立继承人,在苏联解体之后不久成立。IPN主要作用是促进对共产党统治时期(1945-1989)被禁止40多年的历史课题的研究,其中包括苏联占领区境内的反犹骚乱相关课题。IPN的第一个项目是对耶德瓦布内反犹骚乱的调查,以回应格罗斯的著作出版后主要历史学家之间的激烈争论。[62][63]格罗斯的书促成了调查,但早在1966年12月西蒙·达特纳(英语:Szymon Datner)就率先在犹太历史学会(英语:Jewish Historical Institute)比亚韦斯托克公报(第60号)中发表了类似结论的学术分析,随后由德国当局在1976年协助进行了简短调查。[62][64]
扬·格罗斯(英语:Jan T. Gross)的《邻居》(Sąsiedzi)在波兰引发了一场为期两年的密集辩论,各方关于第二次世界大战中的波兰人-犹太人关系各执一词。[2][86]在《邻居》中格罗斯给出了一个扣人心弦的记述,保护犹太人遭到攻击、围捕和杀害的可怕场景;描述“在1941年7月的一天,一座东欧小镇的一半人口杀害了另一半人——约1,600名男子、妇女和儿童。”是怎样发生的。格罗斯得出结论认为,耶德瓦布内的犹太人不是被德国人围捕,而是被他们自己波兰邻居的暴徒杀死。格罗斯写道:“这不仅仅是在这部剧中自己演绎出来的角色的问题,而且也是一个人在二十世纪极权主义政权中会遇到的激励的逻辑”。[87]
美国大屠杀纪念博物馆大屠杀高级研究中心历史研究学家亚历山大·罗西诺(英语:Alexander B. Rossino)评论说:“格罗斯写道,耶德瓦布内和比亚韦斯托克以西的其他小城镇的波兰人参与了对当地犹太人的谋杀,这样的文字挑战了波兰的长期观念:即所有波兰人——基督徒和犹太人——在纳粹统治下都遭受了同样的痛苦。格罗斯的描绘也深深地冒犯了波兰人,他们紧紧咬定他们的同胞从未与德国人合作的这一神话。但是,尽管《邻居》对持续至今的波兰犹太人大屠杀历史重审做出了贡献,格罗斯未能检查德国记述的来源,造成了他对这些事件的描述的根本缺陷。其结果是一个偏斜的历史,其中完全没有调查该地区的党卫队行动,也没有德国人与波兰人口的互动。”[96]
约安那·米希里茨(英语:Joanna B. Michlic)对霍达基耶维茨的书做出评论:“这本书不认同波兰的复杂历史,也不接受波兰人(民族)的复杂形象:在波兰人的复杂形象中,波兰人不仅被描述为英雄和受害者的形象,还被描绘为作恶者的形象,对波兰的犹太人和其他少数民族和文化少数群体的代表犯下罪行。”[103]
彼得·罗贝尔(英语:Piotr Wróbel)对此书评论道,霍达基耶维茨的目标在引言中已经阐明,意在显示扬·格罗斯(英语:Jan T. Gross)的错误。根据罗贝尔的说法,“每个章节包含的争议性材料都足以进行单独讨论”,但他专注于霍达基耶维茨对格罗斯工作的分析。罗贝尔承认霍达基耶维茨提出了一些好的论断,但这些亮点“被众多缺陷所掩盖”,缺乏比例感,并有选择性地使用支持作者观点的信息来源。根据罗贝尔的说法,这本书有一个“可见的政治议程”,并且“难以阅读、并非原创、令人恼火、难以服众”。[104]
从2000年5月开始,耶德瓦布内大屠杀一直是波兰媒体讨论的热门话题。波兰日报《共和国报(英语:Rzeczpospolita)》编制的清单列出了130多篇文章,还只是2000年至2002年发表的部分。[107]天主教期刊《连接(波兰语:Więź (miesięcznik))》发表了一部文集《汝不可杀人:波兰人谈耶德瓦布内》(Thou shalt not kill: Poles on Jedwabne),收编了辩论时期的34篇文章。文集有英文版本。[108]
^ Tomasz Strzembosz(英语:Tomasz Strzembosz). A different picture of neighbors ["Inny obraz sąsiadów"]. Rzeczpospolita(英语:Rzeczpospolita (newspaper)). 31 March 2001,. no. 77 [May 18, 2015]. Translation: "A separate problem concerns the townsmen who had been named during the interrogations conducted by the Security Office [UB] functionaries. That is because, on this point, the statements were all retracted in court as having been obtained through torture." Polish-language original text: "Osobnym problemem są mieszkańcy miasteczka wymieniani podczas zeznań składanych na ręce funkcjonariuszy Urzędu Bezpieczeństwa. A to z tego powodu, że zeznania te, właśnie w tym punkcie, były gremialnie odwoływane na sali sądowej jako wymuszone torturami.". (原始内容存档于June 10, 2001) –通过Internet Archive.
^The Neighbors Respond: The Controversy over the Jedwabne Massacre in Poland edited by Antony Polonsky, Joanna B. Michlic p.338
^[archive.is/vw1if IPN (2002), Końcowe ustalenia śledztwa w sprawie zabójstwa obywateli polskich narodowości żydowskiej w Jedwabnem w dniu 10 lipca 1941 r.]
^Raack, Richard. Stalin's Drive to the West, 1938-1945. Stanford University Press. 1995: 58 [2019-03-12]. ISBN 978-0-8047-2415-9. (原始内容存档于2020-09-07). The generals of the two invading armies went over the details of the prearranged line that would mark the two zones of conquest for Germany and Soviet Russia, subsequently to be rearranged one more time in Moscow. The military parade that followed was recorded by Nazi cameras and celebrated in the German newsreel: German and Soviet generals cheek by jowl in military homage to each other's armies and victories.
^Strzembosz, Tomasz. 由Jerzy Michałowicz翻译. Thoughts on Professors Gutman's Diary(PDF). Yad Vashem Studies. 2002, XXX: 7–20 [2019-03-12]. PDF file, direct download. 原始内容存档于2011-08-05. The localities in question include: Grodno, Skidel (see the Skidel revolt(英语:Skidel revolt)), Jeziory, Łunna, Wiercieliszki, Wielka Brzostowica, Ostryna, Dubna, Dereczyn, Zelwa, Motol, Wołpa, Janów Poleski, Wołkowysk, and Drohiczyn Poleski.
^ 90th session of the Senate of the Republic of Poland. Stenograph, part 2.2.. 2008-04-23 [2019-03-12]. Report by Leon Kieres(英语:Leon Kieres), President of the Institute of National Remembrance, for the period from July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2001. Donald Tusk presiding. Following his detailed Report of the Jedwabne Investigation, Leon Kieres responds to questions from the Senate. Statement by Senator Jadwiga Stokarska (translation): "With the Soviet arrival, Poles were laid off immediately, and all administrative offices, including municipal, were staffed by Jews who were also handed out weapons and formed the local militia. Many joined the NKVD, the Komsomol and the Bolshevik Party, compiled the list of Poles to be sent to Siberia, and performed their deportations directly." Original: "Po wejściu Rosjan natychmiast z urzędów zwolniono Polaków i wszystkie urzędy, łącznie z miejskim, obsadzili Żydzi. Otrzymali oni od Rosjan broń i utworzyli miejscową milicję. Sporo młodych Żydów wstąpiło do NKWD, do Komsomołu, do partii bolszewickiej. W Jedwabnem Żydzi utworzyli listę Polaków do wywózki na Sybir i bezpośrednio ją nadzorowali.". (原始内容存档于2008-04-23) –通过Internet Archive (波兰语).
^Pogonowski, Iwo Cyprian. Jedwabne: The Politics of Apology and Contrition. Panel Jedwabne – A Scientific Analysis. Georgetown University, Washington DC: Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America. June 8, 2002 [2019-03-12]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-19).
^ 31.031.1Prof. Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski, "Jedwabne: The Politics of Apology" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), presented at the Panel Jedwabne – A Scientific Analysis, Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America, Inc., June 8, 2002, Georgetown University, Washington DC.
^June 29, 1941, Warsaw - Order No.1 of Reinhard Heydrich to the Einsatzgruppen Commanders on "Self-Cleansing" Operations and the Role to be Played in the Same by German Military and Police Forces (excerpts), "Inferno of Choices," p. 21 PDF file, direct download. (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
^Michael C. Steinlauf. Bondage to the Dead. Syracuse University Press, p. 30.
^Machcewicz, Paweł; Persak, Krzysztof; Polskiemu, Instytut Pamięci Narodowej--Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi. Wokół Jedwabnego [Around Jedwabne]. Instytut Pamięci Narodowej. 2002: 44–45. ISBN 9788389078087(波兰语).
^Yitzchak Ivri, ed., Book of Kehilat Ostrolenka: Yizkor Book of the Jewish Community of Ostrolenka, Tel Aviv, Irgun Yotzei Ostrolenka in Israel, 2009, p. 384.
^IPN Communiqué. Final findings. Postanowienie o umorzeniu sledztwa(PDF). [2012-11-14]. (原始内容(PDF)存档于November 14, 2012).. Facsimile of the original document in full. Institute of National Remembrance, June 30, 2001. PDF file, direct download 25.4 MB.(波兰文)
^Joanna Michlic(英语:Joanna Michlic), Coming to Terms with the Dark Past: The Polish Debate about the Jedwabne Massacre (Analysis of Current Trends in Antisemitism), Jerusalem, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2002.
^Paweł Machcewicz(英语:Paweł Machcewicz), professor of history at the Warsaw University, Wokół Jedwabnego, 2002; see: excerpt in "The Jedwabne Case" ABSTRACTS, translated by Christina Manetti, Institute of National Remembrance, Poland
^Michlic, Joanna. Coming to Terms with the Dark Past: The Polish Debate about the Jedwabne Massacre (Analysis of Current Trends in Antisemitism). Jerusalem : Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2002.
^Gross, Jan Tomasz. Sąsiedzi. Historia zagłady żydowskiego miasteczka. Sejny: Pogranicze. 2000. ISBN 978-83-86872-13-8(波兰语).
^Antony Polonsky; Joanna B. Michlic. Chronology: December 1966(Google books preview). The Neighbors Respond: The Controversy over the Jedwabne Massacre in Poland (Ibidem: Princeton University Press). 2009-04-11: 452 [November 10, 2012]. ISBN 978-1400825813. (原始内容存档于2019-08-19).
^Antony Polonsky and Joanna B. Michlic, The Neighbors Respond: The Controversy over the Jedwabne Massacre in Poland, Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, 2004, ISBN0-691-11306-8, p. 134.
^Polonsky and Michlic, The Neighbors Respond, 2004
^Paweł Machcewicz, Krzysztof Persak, Wokół Jedwabnego, vol. 1: Studia (525 pp.); vol. 2: Dokumenty (1,034 pp.), Warsaw, Instytut Pamięci Narodowej – Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu, 2002. See: Google bibliogroup.ISBN8389078082.
^ (2002) Coming to Terms with the Dark Past
^IPN. Judgement to End Investigation (complete text) [Postanowienie o umorzeniu śledztwa](PDF). Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Oddziałowa Komisja SZpNP, Białystok. [2019-03-12]. (原始内容存档(PDF)于2021-02-25) –通过PDF direct download, scanned from the IPN original; 203 pages (波兰语). Investigation closed due to perpetrators unknown (wobec niewykrycia sprawców czynu).
^Białous, Adam. Agent Gestapo inspirował pogromy w 1941 r. w okolicach Łomży. Nasz Dziennik. July 11–12, 2009.
^ 89.089.1Bogdan Musial, "The Pogrom in Jedwabne: Critical Remarks about Jan T. Gross' Neighbors", pp. 304-343; in Michlic and Polonsky, The Neighbors Respond (ibidem).
^Alexander B. Rossino, "Polish 'Neighbors' and German Invaders: Contextualizing Anti-Jewish Violence in the Białystok District during the Opening Weeks of Operation Barbarossa"; Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry, Volume 16 (2003).
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Siklon Bhola 1970Siklon tropis kategori 4 (SSHWS)Siklon Bhola 1970 pada tanggal 11 November 1970, pada 0858 UTC.Terbentuk pada7 November 1970Mereda pada13 November 1970 Kecepatan anginmaksimal10 menit: 285 km/jam 1 menit: 215 km/jam Tekanan minimal966 hPa (mbar) Korban jiwa300.000–500.000 (siklon tropis terburuk)Kerusakan86.4 juta (USD 1970)Area terdampakBangladesh, India, Pakistan TimurBagian dari Musim siklon Samudra Hindia Utara 1970 Siklon Bhola 1970 adalah Siklon tropis mematikan yang ...
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This article is about the most recent orchestra by this name. For the previous incarnation of the Florida Philharmonic, see Florida Philharmonic Orchestra (1956–1982). Disbanded American symphony orchestra Florida Philharmonic OrchestraOrchestraofficial logoFormer namePhilharmonic Orchestra of FloridaFounded1985Disbanded2003LocationSouth Florida The Florida Philharmonic Orchestra (or FPO, founded in 1985 as the Philharmonic Orchestra of Florida) was a symphony orchestra based in Fort Lauder...
وكالة الفضاء السعودية الهيئة السعودية للفضاء SSA تفاصيل الوكالة الحكومية البلد السعودية الاسم الكامل وكالة الفضاء السعودية تأسست 20 ربيع الثاني 1440هـ - 27 ديسمبر 2018 صلاحياتها تتبع الحكومة السعودية المركز المملكة العربية السعودية، منطقة الرياض، مدينة الرياض، حي الشهدا...
This article is an orphan, as no other articles link to it. Please introduce links to this page from related articles; try the Find link tool for suggestions. (September 2023) Flea World was a flea market located in Sanford, Florida. It was opened in 1981 by Orlando businessman Syd Levy. Billed as the nation's largest flea market under one roof, Flea World included more than 1,700 vendors on a 104-acre site. It was open on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.[1] The Orlando Sentinel descr...
Pemilihan umum Gubernur Maluku 20132008201811 Juni dan 14 Desember 2013Kandidat Calon Said Assagaff Abdullah Vanath Partai Partai Golongan Karya Demokrat Pendamping Zeth Sahuburua Martin Maspaitella Suara rakyat 389.884 383.705 Persentase 50,4% 49,6% Peta persebaran suara Peta lokasi Maluku Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur petahanaKarel Albert Ralahalu dan Said Assagaff PDI-P Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur terpilih Said Assagaff dan Zeth Sahuburua Partai Golongan Karya Sunting kotak info&...
هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (مايو 2021) سيرجيو نونيز معلومات شخصية الميلاد 30 يونيو 2000 (العمر 23 سنة)بايساندو الطول 1.75 م (5 قدم 9 بوصة) مركز اللعب مهاجم الجنسية الأوروغواي معلومات النادي ا...
Concave cakePlace of originTaiwanMain ingredientsegg, honey, sugar, flour Concave cake (Chinese: 凹蛋糕; pinyin: āodàngāo, half-cooked cake) became popular in Chinese society after a Taiwanese variety show introduced it. The cake filling leaks out when sliced, similar in appearance to a volcano. The traditional recipe combines egg, egg yolk, honey, white sugar and low-gluten flour. Filling flavors range from traditional honey to exotic flavors like cheese, matcha and chocolate.&...