Alphabetical listing of underwater diving related topics
Surface-supplied divers riding a stage to the underwater workplace
The following index is provided as an overview of and topical guide to underwater diving: Links to articles and redirects to sections of articles which provide information on each topic are listed with a short description of the topic. When there is more than one article with information on a topic, the most relevant is usually listed, and it may be cross-linked to further information from the linked page or section.
Underwater diving can be described as all of the following:
A human activity – intentional, purposive, conscious and subjectively meaningful sequence of actions. Underwater diving is practiced as part of an occupation, or for recreation, where the practitioner submerges below the surface of the water or other liquid for a period which may range between seconds to order of a day at a time, either exposed to the ambient pressure or isolated by a pressure resistant suit, to interact with the underwater environment for pleasure, competitive sport, or as a means to reach a work site for profit or in the pursuit of knowledge, and may use no equipment at all, or a wide range of equipment which may include breathing apparatus, environmental protective clothing, aids to vision, communication, propulsion, maneuverability, buoyancy control and safety equipment, and tools for the task at hand.
There are seven sub-indexes, listed here. The tables of content should link between them automatically:
Section contents: Top of section , Aa–Ab , Ac , Ad , Ae , Af–Ag , Ai , Al , Am , An , Ap , Aq , Ar , As , At , Au , Av
Section contents: Top of section , Aa–Ab , Ac , Ad , Ae , Af–Ag , Ai , Al , Am , An , Ap , Aq , Ar , As , At , Au , Av
Section contents: Top of section , Aa–Ab , Ac , Ad , Ae , Af–Ag , Ai , Al , Am , An , Ap , Aq , Ar , As , At , Au , Av
Section contents: Top of section , Aa–Ab , Ac , Ad , Ae , Af–Ag , Ai , Al , Am , An , Ap , Aq , Ar , As , At , Au , Av
AFLOLAUN – Apparatus for laying out line and underwater navigation
Aggressive decompression – Decompression practice accepting higher risk of DCS to reduce in-water time
Section contents: Top of section , Aa–Ab , Ac , Ad , Ae , Af–Ag , Ai , Al , Am , An , Ap , Aq , Ar , As , At , Au , Av
AIDA Hellas – National representative of AIDA International in Greece
AIDA International (AIDA ) – Worldwide rule- and record-keeping body for competitive breath-hold events
Air embolism – Vascular blockage by air bubbles
Air-integrated dive computer – Dive computer which displays cylinder breathing gas pressure
Air integration – Use of the dive computer to display cylinder gas pressure
Airlift (dredging device) , also known as air-lift – Dredging device using injected air to move water and entrained load up a pipe
Airlift dredge – Dredging device using injected air to move water and entrained load up a pipe
Airlift dredging – Removing underwater sediment using an airlift pump
Air line – Tube or hose carrying a compressed air supply
Air-line diving , also known as airline diving – Basic mode of surface-supplied underwater diving
Airlock , also known as air-lock – Compartment for transfer between environments with different atmospheres
Air lock diving bell – Type of mobile pressure caisson
Air lock diving-bell plant – Underwater work support barge used at Gibraltar
Air spread – The topside base for surface-supplied air diving operations
Air top , also known as air top-up – Modifying or completing a gas blend by adding compressed air
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Section contents: Top of section , Aa–Ab , Ac , Ad , Ae , Af–Ag , Ai , Al , Am , An , Ap , Aq , Ar , As , At , Au , Av
Section contents: Top of section , Aa–Ab , Ac , Ad , Ae , Af–Ag , Ai , Al , Am , An , Ap , Aq , Ar , As , At , Au , Av
Anchor pattern – Arrangement of anchors allowing precise positioning of a vessel
Andersson, Erik – Swedish manufacturer of standard diving equipment
Ankle strap (diving) – Staps worn over the ankles of dry suits to prevent the boots from pulling off when in use
Ankle weights (diving) – Diver trim weights worn at the ankles
ANMP – Association nationale des moniteurs de plongée
ANSTI breathing simulator , also known as ANSTI machine, ANSTI breathing machine – Machine to measure work of breathing of diving apparatus
Anti-fog – Chemicals that prevent the condensation of water as small droplets on a surface
Anti-frogman techniques – Methods of protection from incursions by divers and swimmers
Antipodes (submersible) – Commercial submarine built in 1973
AN/WQX-2 – Diver detection sonar used in defense against underwater incursions
Anxiety – Unpleasant state of inner turmoil over anticipated events
Section contents: Top of section , Aa–Ab , Ac , Ad , Ae , Af–Ag , Ai , Al , Am , An , Ap , Aq , Ar , As , At , Au , Av
Section contents: Top of section , Aa–Ab , Ac , Ad , Ae , Af–Ag , Ai , Al , Am , An , Ap , Aq , Ar , As , At , Au , Av
Section contents: Top of section , Aa–Ab , Ac , Ad , Ae , Af–Ag , Ai , Al , Am , An , Ap , Aq , Ar , As , At , Au , Av
Section contents: Top of section , Aa–Ab , Ac , Ad , Ae , Af–Ag , Ai , Al , Am , An , Ap , Aq , Ar , As , At , Au , Av
Section contents: Top of section , Aa–Ab , Ac , Ad , Ae , Af–Ag , Ai , Al , Am , An , Ap , Aq , Ar , As , At , Au , Av
Section contents: Top of section , Aa–Ab , Ac , Ad , Ae , Af–Ag , Ai , Al , Am , An , Ap , Aq , Ar , As , At , Au , Av
Section contents: Top of section , Ba , Be , Bi , Bl , Bo , Br–Bs , Bu–By
Section contents: Top of section , Ba , Be , Bi , Bl , Bo , Br–Bs , Bu–By
Section contents: Top of section , Ba , Be , Bi , Bl , Bo , Br–Bs , Bu–By
Bifin – Swimfin type with single foot pocket
Bikkers – Dutch manufacturer of standard diving equipment
Biological hazard – Biological material that poses serious risks to the health of living organisms
BioMarine – American manufacturer of diving rebreathers
Section contents: Top of section , Ba , Be , Bi , Bl , Bo , Br–Bs , Bu–By
Section contents: Top of section , Ba , Be , Bi , Bl , Bo , Br–Bs , Bu–By
Boarding stirrup – A suspended step to help divers lift themselves from the water into a boat
Boat diving – Procedures specific to diving from boats
Boaty McBoatface – British autonomous underwater vehicle
Bolt snap – Sprung slide gated snap hook
Bond, George F. – US Navy physician and diving medicine and saturation diving researcher
Booster pump – Machine to increase pressure of a fluid
Bottom gas – Gas breathed during the deep part of a dive
Bottom time – Elapsed time underwater until th start of ascent to the surface
Bottom timer – An electronic instrument that records depth and elapsed time data on an underwater dive
Bounce dive – Non-saturation dive profile with meaning depending on context
Boyle, Robert – Anglo-Irish scientist (1627–1691)
Boyle's law – Relation between gas pressure and volume
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Section contents: Top of section , Ba , Be , Bi , Bl , Bo , Br–Bs , Bu–By
Section contents: Top of section , Ca–Cc , Ce–Cg , Ch , Ci , Cl , Cm , Co , Cr , Cu , Cy
Section contents: Top of section , Ca–Cc , Ce–Cg , Ch , Ci , Cl , Cm , Co , Cr , Cu , Cy
Section contents: Top of section , Ca–Cc , Ce–Cg , Ch , Ci , Cl , Cm , Co , Cr , Cu , Cy
Section contents: Top of section , Ca–Cc , Ce–Cg , Ch , Ci , Cl , Cm , Co , Cr , Cu , Cy
Section contents: Top of section , Ca–Cc , Ce–Cg , Ch , Ci , Cl , Cm , Co , Cr , Cu , Cy
Section contents: Top of section , Ca–Cc , Ce–Cg , Ch , Ci , Cl , Cm , Co , Cr , Cu , Cy
Section contents: Top of section , Ca–Cc , Ce–Cg , Ch , Ci , Cl , Cm , Co , Cr , Cu , Cy
Section contents: Top of section , Ca–Cc , Ce–Cg , Ch , Ci , Cl , Cm , Co , Cr , Cu , Cy
Section contents: Top of section , Ca–Cc , Ce–Cg , Ch , Ci , Cl , Cm , Co , Cr , Cu , Cy
CUMA – Canadian military diving rebreather
Current (hydrology) – Flow of water in a stream caused by gravity
Current shear – Variation of flow rate transverse to flow direction
Current (stream) – Flow of water in a natural watercourse due to gravity
CURV – Early remotely operated underwater vehicle
Section contents: Top of section , Ca–Cc , Ce–Cg , Ch , Ci , Cl , Cm , Co , Cr , Cu , Cy
See also
Activities Competitions Equipment Freedivers Hazards Historical Organisations
Diving disorders Pressure related Oxygen Inert gases Carbon dioxide Breathing gas contaminants
Immersion related
Treatment Personnel Screening Research
Archeological sites Underwater art and artists Engineers and inventors Historical equipment
Military and covert operations Scientific projects Awards and events Incidents
Manuals Standards and Codes of Practice General non-fiction Research Dive guides
Training and registration
Surface snorkeling Snorkeling/breath-hold Breath-hold Open Circuit Scuba Rebreather Sports governing organisations and federations Competitions
Pioneers of diving Underwater scientists archaeologists and environmentalists Scuba record holders Underwater filmmakers and presenters Underwater photographers Underwater explorers Aquanauts Writers and journalists Rescuers Frogmen Commercial salvors