1966年文化大革命爆发后,沙博理也和其他中国人一样参加了贴“大字报”等政治活动。但老朋友马海德及时劝告他说,“文化大革命不是什么好事情,你还是不要参加了。”1967年,沙博理接受所在单位布置的任务,开始翻译《水浒传》,他便远离政治,专心从事翻译工作。当时凤子受冲击被下放到五七干校,女儿亚美在北京市通县造纸厂工作。四年内,都是沙博理一个人在家,这种情况一直持续到1971年。1971年,沙博理作为外文局专家,获得了一次回美国探亲的机会。沙博理给周恩来总理写了封信,希望能让凤子和自己一道赴美国探亲。经周恩来总理多次努力,五七干校仅允许凤子回北京呆两天,把沙博理送上飞机之后,凤子不得不又返回五七干校。《水浒传》翻译快结束时,“四人帮”得知沙博理计划定书名为《Heroes of the Marsh》(水泊英雄),这与当时“评水浒”政治运动中“批宋江”、“批投降派”的论调相悖,遂要求沙博理更改书名,沙博理乃改以Outlaws取代Heroes,蒙混过关,实际上Outlaws有“绿林好汉”之意,正符合《水浒传》的本意,所以最终书名为《Outlaws of the Marsh》。[2][3]
Chao Shu-li, Rhymes of Li Yu-Tsai and other stories (李有才板话及其他故事), trans. by Sidney Shapiro, Beijing: Culture Press, 1950.
Shi Yan, It happened at Willow Castle (柳堡的故事), trans. by Sidney Shapiro, Beijing: Culture Press, 1951.
The Peking People's Art Theatre, Between Husband and Wife (夫妻之间), trans. by Sidney Shapiro, Beijing: The Peking People's Art Theatre, 1953.
Liu Ching, Wall of Bronze (铜墙铁壁), trans. by Sidney Shapiro, Beijing: The Peking People's Art Theatre, 1954.
Mistress Clever (巧媳妇/古代故事画库), trans. by Sidney Shapiro, 1954.
Xu Guangyao, The Plains are Ablaze (平原烈火), trans. by Sidney Shapiro, Beijing: The Peking People's Art Theatre, 1955.
Chen Teng-ke, Living Hell (活人塘), trans. by Sidney Shapiro, Beijing: The Peking People's Art Theatre, 1955.
Mao Tun, Spring silkworms and other stories (春蚕集), trans. by Sidney Shapiro, Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1956.
Chin Chao-yang, Village Sketches (农村散记), trans. by Sidney Shapiro, Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1957.
Yuan Ching, Kung Chueh, Daughters and Sons (新儿女英雄传), trans. by Sidney Shapiro, Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1958.
Du Pengcheng, Defend Yenan! (保卫延安), trans. by Sidney Shapiro, Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1958.
Kao Yun-lan, Annals of a provincial town (小城春秋), trans. by Sidney Shapiro, Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1959.
Soy Sauce and Prawns (酱油和对虾), trans. by Sidney Shapiro, 1963.
Liu Ching, The Builders (创业史), trans. by Sidney Shapiro, Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1964.
Liu Ching, Builders of a New Life (创业史), trans. by Sidney Shapiro, Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1977.
Pa Chin, The Family (家), trans. by Sidney Shapiro, Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1978.
Chu Po, Tracks in the Snowy Forest (林海雪原), trans. by Sidney Shapiro, Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1978.
Shi Nai'an, Luo Guanzhong, Outlaws of the Marsh (水浒传), trans. by Sidney Shapiro, Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1980.
Mao Dun, The Shop of the Lin Family & Spring Silkworms (林家铺子、春蚕), trans. by Sidney Shapiro, Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2004.
Deng Rong, Deng Xiaoping and the Cultural Revolution (我的父亲邓小平——文革岁月), trans. by Sidney Shapiro, Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2002.
Mao Mao, Deng Xiaoping and the Cultural Revolution (我的父亲邓小平——文革岁月), trans. by Sidney Shapiro, Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2012.
中国现代名家短篇小说选,北京:外文出版社,2003年(内收沙博理译的四篇小说:湖畔儿语(The Child at the Lakeside)、 《春桃》(Big Sister Liu)、 《月牙儿》(Crescent Moon)、 《小二黑结婚》(The Marriage of Young Blacky)