Lingua mohawk
A lingua mohawk[4] (en mohawk: Kanien’kéha, "[lingua] do lugar de sílex") é unha lingua iroquesa ameazada que no presente falan unhas 3 800 persoas do pobo mohawk, que se atopan principalmente no Canadá (sur de Ontario e Quebec) e nos Estados Unidos de América (oeste e norte do Nova York).
- ↑ "Mohawk". Ethnologue (en inglés). Consultado o 2018-06-09.
- ↑ Canada, Government of Canada, Statistics. "Aboriginal Mother Tongue (90), Single and Multiple Mother Tongue Responses (3), Aboriginal Identity (9), Registered or Treaty Indian Status (3) and Age (12) for the Population in Private Households of Canada, Provinces and Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 2016 Census - 25% Sample Data". (en inglés). Consultado o 2018-06-09.
- ↑ Moseley, Christopher e Nicolas, Alexandre. "Atlas of the world's languages in danger". Consultado o 11 de xullo de 2022.
- ↑ Definición de mohawk* no Dicionario de Galego de Ir Indo e a Xunta de Galicia.
Véxase tamén
- Hoover, M. L. (1992). "The revival of the Mohawk language in Kahnawake." Canadian Journal of Native Studies, 12(2), 269-287.
- McAlpine, L., Eriks-Brophy, A., & Crago, M. (1996). Teaching Beliefs in Mohawk Classrooms: Issues of Language and Culture. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, (3). 390.
- Julian, C. (2011). A history of the Iroquoian languages (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Manitoba, Winnipeg.
- Maracle, B. J. (2002). Adult Mohawk language immersion programming. McGill Journal of Education, 37(3), 387.
- Deering, N., & Harries-Delisle, H. (1976). Mohawk. A Teaching Grammar. Preliminary Version.
- Michelson, G. (1973). A thousand words of Mohawk (No. 5). National Museum of Man.